Saturday 12 May 2012

Axis Maps - Typographic Maps

These typographic maps by Axis Maps are brilliant. Often typographic maps created and be too cluttered or don't read well, but these have a very suitable typeface which is legible at small point size. The different colours build up an visually pleasing poster that looks like it has depth. I think these maps work much better showing cities which are built on a grid system. London or even Leeds would possibly create quite a mess which wouldn't be as pleasing to look at.

I particularly like the Chicago version in colour. The creators say...
"Typographic Maps accurately depict the streets and highways, parks, neighborhoods, coastlines, and physical features of the city using nothing but type. By weaving together thousands of words, a full picture of the city emerges. Every letter was carefully placed, taking hundreds of hours to complete for each map."
The posters and letterpress prints are available to buy for $20-150. Cities available are Manhattan, Chicago, Madison, San Francisco, Washington DC, Boston and New York City.

 All photos from Axis Maps.

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